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Medical Assistant (MA) Training Program

ID : 18110   
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Learn a high demand career in the Charleston area as a certified Medical Assistant.

This accelerated program includes medical terminology, administrative office skills, and clinical patient skills required. Learn how to draw blood, perform EKGs and take health histories. Medical assistants work in hospitals, medical offices, and labs. This course meets 3 evenings per week on campus for 6 months, then a clinical rotation at the end for 5 weeks. TTC students have a 98% employment rate after the clinical rotation.

National Certification: Upon successful completion of this program, students are eligible to sit for the Registered Medical Assistant examination given by the American Medical Technologists Association (AMT), see; TTC medical assistant students have an average pass rate of 82% on the national certification exam. 

Registration RequirementsMust be 18 years of age, a high school graduate or possess a GED equivalency.
  1. Students must provide a copy of a Driver's License and attach it to their Scholarship application.
  2. Complete the scholarship application to start the registration process here.  SC Wins Scholarship Application: 
  3. Once applied, email copies of these 4 immunizations & the health insurance proof to:  
    1. A 2-Step PPD within 12 months, that is 2 skin tests, 2 readings). 
    2. A copy of MMR childhood vaccines, or a titer.
    3. A Tetanus vaccine within the past 10 years.
    4. Current flu vaccine within 12 months.
    5. A current copy of major medical health insurance ID card.
  4. Once the above is received students can be approved for enrollment.
Student Requirements:
  •  First-day Orientation attendance is mandatory on campus, not attending will result in dismissal from the program.
  • Students must have access to a computer with a webcam and microphone, and a scanner, smartphones are not reliable for this program.
  • See the program schedule at the bottom of this page, attendance is strict for this accelerated MA program.
  • This course uses the MA e-textbook access card: Medical Assisting, Administrative & Clinical Competencies, by Blesi, 9th ed.
Student Costs, students must purchase the following:
  • Immunization costs differ depending on the vendor or the Health department.
  • Navy blue scrub uniform, top & bottom, white athletic or nurse shoes.
This SC WINS Scholarship program for SC residents includes: tuition, textbook, a drug screen, and a national criminal background screen. If a  student has any question about screenings please email the Program Manager ahead of time:

Class Details

108 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Mon, Wed.  
  Weekly - Fri.  
  Weekly - Wed, Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue.  

Location : Multiple Location : 
  Thornley Campus - 920 Building
  Off-campus Location.

Instructor : Multiple Instructor :
 1.Letitia Williams  2.TBA Instructor 

CEUs : 72



Please read:  Enrollment ends 7 days prior to the start date. See all the information above, including student costs and the scheduled dates and times. Failure to complete a program funded by a Scholarship eliminates any future Scholarships.This is the evening MA class on campus. **First-day attendance is a required Orientation. Failure to attend will result in dismissal from the program. The Scholarship pays for tuition, books, and drug screen and background report prior to externship. A clean background report is required. If a background report is not accepted by the extern site the student will be dismissed. Students are required to attend the first day of orientation, or will be dismissed from the program. Registration closes 3 business days prior to the start date. As a response to the increasing prevalence of COVID-19, many clinical facilities are instituting vaccine mandates for their employees and students who are completing clinical rotations at their site. Trident Technical College (TTC) Health Sciences students are placed in clinical facilities, including long-term care skilled nursing facilities, that are requiring the vaccine and/or routine testing. Many of these agencies are not providing options for signed declinations or waivers. If an agency allows the option to submit a waiver or declination, it will be reviewed and approved/denied based on the agency guidelines. While TTC does not currently have a specific policy mandating COVID-19 vaccines for employees or students, the TTC Health Sciences policy states that many Health Sciences programs require that students must be eligible and able to attend all clinical rotations at sites the programs utilize for clinical practice. Therefore, students in the TTC Health Sciences programs must meet any and all eligibility requirements mandated by the clinical facilities. This is not a TTC initiative, but a requirement imposed by many of our clinical facilities. Health Sciences education programs are mandated by accreditors to provide students with clinical experiences and are not obligated to provide substitute or alternate clinical experiences based on a student’s request or preference. Just as the clinical facilities require other vaccines, they have the authority to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine. Health Sciences program accreditation bodies have no obligation to waive their current rules/regulations regarding clinical experiences for unvaccinated students. To ensure equitable treatment of all students, TTC Health Sciences programs do not customize student schedules for any reason other than a documented disability; however clinical courses are usually not eligible for accommodations. Please note: Clinical experiences are integral to Health Sciences education. If a student cannot complete the clinical requirements for any reason, the student is not eligible to progress in Health Sciences programs. Skip dates include: 5/26, 7/4, 9/1, 11/26-11/28.



Call 843-574-6152 to register Send to Friend » Request More Info »

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
4/14/2025 - 10/20/2025 Weekly - Mon, Wed 06:00 PM - 10:00 PM N Charleston, Thornley Campus - 920 Building  Map, Room: 787 Letitia Williams  ClassRoom
4/18/2025 - 10/17/2025 Weekly - Fri 05:00 PM - 09:00 PM N Charleston, Thornley Campus - 920 Building  Map, Room: 787 Letitia Williams  ClassRoom
10/22/2025 - 11/26/2025 Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM TBD, Off-campus Location  Map TBA Instructor  Clinical